Over the years, I have translated numerous critical essays and several books from English (and occasionally French) into the language previously known as Serbo-Croatian (don’t ask, it’s complicated). My translations include essays by J. Hillis Miller, Stephen Greenblatt, Jerome McGann and others. Most of these translations are available on my Academia page.
Politika tragedije, priredio i preveo Aleksandar Stević (Službeni glasnik, 2014)

Politika tragedije [The Politics of Tragedy] is a collection of essays on the sociopolitical context of Greek tragedy which I edited and translated, and for which I wrote an extensive introduction. The collection includes essays by Michelle Gellrich, Simon Goldhill, Edith Hall, Richard Seaford, Rainer Friedrich, Jasper Griffin, P.J. Rhodes, and D.M. Carter. The book was published in 2014.
My introduction (in Serbian) is available on Academia.
Đuna Barns, Šuma noći, prevod i pogovor Aleksandar Stević (Službeni glasnik, 2018)

In 2018, I translated Djuna Barnes’s notoriously difficult modernist novel Nightwood.
My afterword (in Serbian) is available on Academia.
Šlomit Rimon-Kenan, Narativna proza, prevod i pogovor Aleksandar Stević (Narodna knjiga – Alfa, 2007)

A Serbian translation of Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan’s narratological study Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics for which I also wrote and afterword.
A copy of the translation is available here.